Play Yahtzee Game Online
Yahtzee Rules
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- Why play yahtzee and farkle at is a very popular online yahtzee game community, founded in September 2006 by three administrators, Kal, inqov and Mary. I am very happy to be able to say that our small community has become a daily hangout for many people who enjoy yahtzee.
Yahtzee Play 🎮 Old MS DOS Games Online. Play Old Games Online » BoardGame » Yahtzee.
The objective of YAHTZEE is to get as many points as possible by rolling five dice and getting certain combinations of dice.
In each turn a player may throw the dice up to three times. A player doesn't have to roll all five dice on the second and third throw of a round, he may put as many dice as he wants to the side and only throw the ones that don't have the numbers he's trying to get. For example, a player throws and gets 1,3,3,4,6. He decides he want to try for the large straight, 1,2,3,4,5. So, he puts 1,3,4 to the side and only throws 3 and 6 again, hoping to get 2 and 5.
In this game you click on the dice you want to keep. They will be moved down and will not be thrown the next time you press the 'Roll Dice' button. If you decide after the second throw in a turn that you don't want to keep the same dice before the third throw then you can click them again and they will move back to the table and be thrown in the third throw.

Upper section combinations
- Ones: Get as many ones as possible.
- Twos: Get as many twos as possible.
- Threes: Get as many threes as possible.
- Fours: Get as many fours as possible.
- Fives: Get as many fives as possible.
- Sixes: Get as many sixes as possible.
For the six combinations above the score for each of them is the sum of dice of the right kind. E.g. if you get 1,3,3,3,5 and you choose Threes you will get 3*3 = 9 points. The sum of all the above combinations is calculated and if it is 63 or more, the player will get a bonus of 35 points. On average a player needs three of each to reach 63, but it is not required to get three of each exactly, it is perfectly OK to have five sixes, and zero ones for example, as long as the sum is 63 or more the bonus will be awarded.
Lower section combinations
- Three of a kind: Get three dice with the same number. Points are the sum all dice (not just the three of a kind).
- Four of a kind: Get four dice with the same number. Points are the sum all dice (not just the four of a kind).
- Full house: Get three of a kind and a pair, e.g. 1,1,3,3,3 or 3,3,3,6,6. Scores 25 points.
- Small straight: Get four sequential dice, 1,2,3,4 or 2,3,4,5 or 3,4,5,6. Scores 30 points.
- Large straight: Get five sequential dice, 1,2,3,4,5 or 2,3,4,5,6. Scores 40 points.
- Chance: You can put anything into chance, it's basically like a garbage can when you don't have anything else you can use the dice for. The score is simply the sum of the dice.
- YAHTZEE: Five of a kind. Scores 50 points. You can optionally get multiple Yahtzees, see below for details.
Multiple Yahtzees
The rules around multiple Yahtzees are a bit complex. There are a couple of different cases:
- You already have a Yahtzee: You get a 100 bonus points in the Yahtzee box, but you also have a joker, which means that you can choose another move for the Yahtzee you just got. If the number you got yahtzees with has not been filled out in the upper section, then you must choose that. E.g. if you get an additional Yahtzee with 2's, and you haven't filled out the 2's in the upper section then you must choose that, and get 10 points for it. If the upper section box is already filled then you can choose any of the lower region boxes, and they will be scored as normal. Yahtzee is a superset of 3 of a kind, 4 of a kind, full house and chance, but you can also choose small or large straight and will get the normal 30 and 40 points for those.
- You've already put 0 in the Yahtzee box: In this case you get no 100 point bonus, but you do get a joker, and can choose your move following the rules described above for jokers.


After years of only playing against the computer, you can now start playing against other people from all over the world. Click the 'Multiplayer' button next to your avatar and choose a player name to connect. Once connected, you can challenge or be challenged by other players.
Note: To keep things simple and even as possible, all multiplayer games allow multiple Yahtzees.
Strategy tips
Try to get the bonus. Focus on getting good throws with fives and sixes, then it won't matter if you put 0 in the ones or twos. You can always put in 0 for a combination if you don't have it, even if you have some other combination. E.g. if you had 2,3,4,5,6 and the only things you had left were Ones and Sixes, then it would be better to put 0 in Ones than to put only 6 in Sixes.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy the game. If you have any questions or comments, send them to
Yahtzee can be played in a group or solitary. The main objective of Yahtzee is to have as many points as possible by getting certain combinations of dice and rolling five dice. A player targets the highest score after 13 rounds.
In summary:
- Roll up three times at most for every turn, and get the best score.
- Pick a dice combo of your choice.
- Write your score on the scorecard after every turn.
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A player may throw the dice thrice in every turn. The player may throw five dice for the second and third throw. They can decide throw the dice that don’t have the numbers they intend getting, and they can also have as many dice as they want.
This is how it works, if the player tosses the dice and gets 1,3,3,4,6, and decide whether it’s straight 1,2,3,4,5, he puts 1,3,4 aside and determines if he throws 3 and 6 again, eyeing for 2 and 5 so as to climb up the scoreboard.
In an online game, clicking on the dice intending on keeping. Those dice will not be thrown then next time you will click “Roll Dice.” When throwing for a second time and decide that you will not want to keep the dice again before the third throw, click the dice once again, and will be moved back to the table ready for a third throw.
Upper Section Combinations
- As many ones as possible.
- As many twos as possible.
- As many threes as possible.
- As many fours as possible.
- As many 5 as possible.
- As many sixes as possible.
The six combinations for each of them is the sum of the right dice. For instance, in case you get a 1,3,3,3,5 and choose Threes, you’ll get 9 points. The entire combination adds up to 63 or more, the player receives 35 points extra.
A player may need three of each in order to hit 63, but it’s not a requirement. Whether the player gets fixe sixes or zero ones, the goal is reaching a sum of 63 and get the bonus.
Lower Section Combinations
Three of a kind: Three dice with a similar number. All dice sums up to make the points and not just the three dice with the same number.
Four of a kind: Four dice with a similar number. Here too, all dice sums up to the final points, and not just the four dice with the same number.
Full house: Three of a kind plus a pair, for example, 6,6,3,3,3 or 3,3,3,1,1,1. The player is rewarded 25 points if the combination is right.
Small straight: Four sequential dice such for example, 1,2,3,4, 2,3,4,5 or 3,4,5,6 the player gets 30 points.
Large straight: Fiver sequential dice, for instance, 1,2,3,4,5 or 2,3,4,5,6 gives a score of 40 points.
Chance: Anything can be in put chance. The sum of the dice determines the score.
YAHTZEE: Five of a kind gets the player 50 points. Also, one gets several Yahtzees. Here are the details:
Multiple Yahtzees
Multiple Yahtzees rules are a little complicated. Here are a couple of different cases.
What having a Yahtzee means: The player has 100 bonus points in the box and a joker which allows one to choose a second move for the Yahtzee. In case the Yahtzees number is not fed to the upper section, then one will have to choose that. In case one got the Yahtzee with 3’s and the other player haven’t filled them on the upper section, then one must select those 3’s and earn 10 points.
If the upper box full, can choose one of the lower region boxes, and the score will read normally. A superset of 3 or 4 of a kind, a chance, and a full house creates a Yahtzee. Alternatively, the player can try small or large straight and get the usual 30 or 40 points for them.
Putting zero in the Yahtzee box: If that happens, the player does not get a 100-point bonus, but gets a joker, which gives him/her the benefits described above for jokers.
Play Yahtzee Dice Game Online
After playing against the computer and mastering the game, the player can start playing with opponents. Click “Multiplayer” and choose a player you would like to play against. Once the player is connected, he/she challenges the opponent.
Strategy tips
Target the bonus and do all you can to get it. Focusing on throwing good fives and sixes puts you at a better chance to get 0 in ones & twos. If by any chance you don’t have 0, you are supposed to put in your combination. However, if you have 2,3,4,5,6 and only left with ones and 6’s, then it’s advisable to include the O in ones rather than putting 6 in sixes.
Armed with these tips, make sure the player will have fun. Please contact us in case you need any assistance.

About the game
The game is made through JavaScript, CSS, and HTML. It has jQuery and a couple of its plugins for animation purposes. I also added fantastic graphics to the Yahtzee game.